1.2.1 Common System Services Library

Common system services library provides the following data types and constants that are shared and common to all system services

Media System Service Data types and constants

SYS_MEDIA_BLOCK_COMMAND_HANDLETypedefHandle identifying block commands of the media
SYS_MEDIA_BLOCK_COMMAND_HANDLE_INVALIDMacroDefines the invalid media block command handle
SYS_MEDIA_EVENT_HANDLERTypedefPointer to the Media Event Handler function
SYS_MEDIA_BLOCK_EVENTEnumIdentifies the possible events that can result from a request
SYS_MEDIA_PROPERTYEnumContains information of property of a media
SYS_MEDIA_STATUSEnumThe state of media
SYS_MEDIA_COMMAND_STATUSEnumThe enumeration for status of buffer
SYS_MEDIA_GEOMETRY_TABLE_ENTRYMacrosDefines the Sys Media Geometry table entry Macros
SYS_MEDIA_REGION_GEOMETRYStructContains information of a sys media region
SYS_MEDIA_GEOMETRYStructContains all the geometrical information of a media device

Module System Service Data types and constants

SYS_MODULE_INDEXTypedefIdentifies which instance of a system module should be initialized or opened
SYS_MODULE_OBJTypedefHandle to an instance of a system module
SYS_MODULE_OBJ_INVALIDMacroObject handle value returned if unable to initialize the requested instance of a system module
SYS_MODULE_OBJ_STATICMacroObject handle value returned by static modules
SYS_STATUSEnumIdentifies the current status/state of a system module (including device drivers)
SYS_MODULE_INITUnionInitializes a module (including device drivers) as requested by the system
SYS_MODULE_INITIALIZE_ROUTINETypedefPointer to a routine that initializes a system module (driver, library, or system-maintained application)
SYS_MODULE_REINITIALIZE_ROUTINETypedefPointer to a routine that reinitializes a system module (driver, library, or system-maintained application)
SYS_MODULE_DEINITIALIZE_ROUTINETypedefPointer to a routine that deinitializes a system module (driver, library, or system-maintained application)
SYS_MODULE_STATUS_ROUTINETypedefPointer to a routine that gets the current status of a system module (driver, library, or system-maintained application)
SYS_MODULE_TASKS_ROUTINETypedefPointer to a routine that performs the tasks necessary to maintain a state machine in a module system module (driver, library, or system-maintained application)