7.2.1 Hardware Setup for On-Board Programming

Follow the steps below to do Parallel High-Voltage Programming. Note that this interface is only intended for use with on-board STK600.

  1. Mount the routing and socket card and the target device. See the Socket System section on how to do this.
  2. Use the two 10-wire cables supplied with the STK600 to connect the PROG DATA and the PROG CTRL to the target device, as shown in the picture below.
  3. Mount both the VTARGET jumper and the RESET jumper.
  4. Ensure that VTarget is between 4.5V and 5.5V.

See the Programming Dialog pages in the Microchip Studio help file for information on the STK600 programming dialog.

Note: The AREF jumper must be removed before programming of devices that have AREF on a pin used by the high-voltage programming interface.

Devices that are affected by this use the following routing cards:

  • STK600-RC008T-7
  • STK600-RC020T-8
  • STK600-RC014T-12
  • STK600-RC020T-23