Peripheral Deselection without DMA

During multiple data transfers on a Chip Select without the DMA, the TXDATA is loaded by the processor, and the Transmit Data Register Empty flag in the Interrupt Flag Status and Clear register (INTFLAG.DRE) rises as soon as the content of the RXDATA is transferred into the internal shift register. When this flag is detected high, the TXDATA can be reloaded. If this reload-by-processor occurs before the end of the current transfer and if the next transfer is performed on the same Chip Select as the current transfer, the Chip Select is not de-asserted between the two transfers.

Depending on the application software handling the flags or servicing other interrupts or other tasks, the processor may not reload the TXDATA in time to keep the Chip Select active (low). A null Delay Between Consecutive Transfer bit field value in the CTRLB register (CTRLB.DLYBCT) will give even less time for the processor to reload the TXDATA. With some SPI Client peripherals, requiring the Chip Select line to remain active (low) during a full set of transfers might lead to communication errors.

To facilitate interfacing with such devices, the Chip Select Mode bit field in the CTRLB register (CTRLB.CSMODE) can be written to 0x1. This allows the Chip Select lines to remain in their current state (low = active) until the end of transfer is indicated by the Last Transfer bit in the CTRLA register (CTRLA.LASTXFER). Even if the TXDATA is not reloaded the Chip Select will remain active. To have the Chip Select line rise at the end of the last data transfer, the LASTXFER bit in the CTRLA must be set before writing the last data to transmit into the TXDATA.