Address Spaces

The SmartEEPROM address space is divided in two distinct areas:

  • DATA
    • Starts at offset 0x0
    • Size is 512B, 1KB, 2KB, 4KB, 8KB, 16KB, 32KB, 64KB depending on SEESTAT.PSZ and SEESTAT.SBLK (refer to “SmartEEPROM virtual size”)
    • This area is write protected if SEESTAT.LOCK is set. SEESTAT.LOCK is non volatile.
    • Commands LSEE and USEE respectively lock and unlock the SmartEEPROM.
    • Starts at offset 0x10000
    • Size is 20B
    • This area is write protected if either
      • SEESTAT.LOCK is set (non-volatile)
      • SEESTAT.RLOCK is set (volatile).

Commands LSEER and USEER respectively lock and unlock the SmartEEPROM register address space.

As a consequence both SEESTAT.LOCK and SEESTAT.RLOCK must be low to write the SmartEEPROM register address space.