9.5 NVM Software Calibration Area Mapping (SW0)

The NVM Software Calibration Area contains calibration data that are determined and written during production test. These calibration values should be read by the application software and written back to the corresponding register.

The NVM Software Calibration Area can be read at address 0x00800080.

The NVM Software Calibration Area can not be written.

Table 9-3. NVM Software Calibration Area Mapping
Bit PositionNameDescriptionDefault Value
1:0AC BIASAC Comparator 0/1 Bias Scaling. To be written to the AC CALIB register.0x1
4:2ADC0 BIASCOMPBias comparator scaling. To be written to the ADC0 CALIB register.0x7
7:5ADC0 BIASREFBUFBias reference buffer scaling. To be written to the ADC0 CALIB register.0x7
10:8ADC0 BIASR2RBias rail-to-rail amplifier scaling. To be written to the ADC0 CALIB register.0x7
18:16ADC1 BIASCOMPBias comparator scaling. To be written to the ADC1 CALIB register.0x7
21:19ADC1 BIASREFBUFBias reference buffer scaling. To be written to the ADC1 CALIB register.0x7
24:22ADC1 BIASR2RBias rail-to-rail amplifier scaling. To be written to the ADC1 CALIB register.0x7
36:32USB TRANSNUSB TRANSN calibration value. To be written to the USB PADCAL register.0x09
41:37USB TRANSPUSB TRANSP calibration value. To be written to the USB PADCAL register.0x19
44:42USB TRIMUSB TRIM calibration value. To be written to the USB PADCAL register.0x6

The NVM Software Calibration Area for temperature calibration parameters can not be written.

The NVM Software Calibration Area for temperature calibration parameters can be read at address 0x00800100.

Table 9-4. NVM Software Calibration Area Mapping - Temperature Calibration Parameters
Bit PositionNameDescription
7:0TLIInteger part of calibration temperature TL
11:8TLDDecimal part of calibration temperature TL
19:12THIInteger part of calibration temperature TH
23:20THDDecimal part of calibration temperature TH
39:24ReservedReserved for future use.
51:40VPLTemperature calibration parameters.
127:88ReservedReserved for future use.
Note: Engineering Sample devices have no valid temperature calibration parameters.