3.3.1 Oscilloscope Module

The Oscilloscope module visualizes data values in real time. It has four channels for monitoring four different data streams at the same time. Each channel's data stream is visualized as a graph in the plot area, each with a different color. The vertical position and amplitude of each channel can be modified. For repeating signals, or for capturing rare events, the oscilloscope has a trigger sub-module. The oscilloscope also has a cursor system to measure various properties of the data streams.

For an example on how to configure an oscilloscope, see Oscilloscope Configuration Example.

Figure 3-12. The Oscilloscope Module
  1. Plot area.
  2. Zero-line.
  3. Plot.
  4. Trigger level indicator line.
  5. Time axis scale handle.
  6. Time axis.
  7. Plot area resize handle.
  8. Control panel.
  9. Show/hide control area arrow.