NVMREG Access to DIA, DCI, User ID, Device ID, Revision ID, and Configuration Words

NVMREGS can be used to access the following memory regions:
  • Device Information Area (DIA)
  • Device Configuration Information (DCI)
  • User ID region
  • Device ID and Revision ID
  • Configuration Words

The value of NVMREGS is set to ‘1’ to access these regions. The memory regions listed above will be pointed to by PC[15] = 1, but not all addresses reference valid data. Different access may exist for reads and writes. Refer to the table below. When read access is initiated on an address outside the parameters listed in the following table, the NVMDATH: NVMDATL register pair is cleared, reading back ‘0’s.

Table 15-2. NVMREG Access to DIA, DCI, User ID, Device ID, Revision ID and Configuration Words (NVMREGS = 1)
AddressFunctionRead AccessWrite Access
0x8000 - 0x8003User IDsYesYes
0x8005 - 0x8006Device ID/Revision IDYesNo
0x8007 - 0x800BConfiguration Words 1-5YesYes
0x8100 - 0x82FFDIA and DCIYesNo
0xF000 - 0xF0FFEEPROMYesYes