9 Memory Organization

There are three types of memory in PIC16F181 microcontroller devices:

  • Program Memory
    • Program Flash Memory
    • Configuration Words
    • Device ID
    • Revision ID
    • User ID
    • Device Information Area (DIA)
    • Device Configuration Information (DCI)
  • Data Memory
    • Core Registers
    • Special Function Registers (FSR)
    • General Purpose RAM (GPR)
    • Common RAM
  • Data EEPROM

In Harvard architecture devices, the data and program memories use separate buses that allow for concurrent access of the two memory spaces. The data EEPROM, for practical purposes, can be regarded as a peripheral device, since it is addressed and accessed through a set of control registers.

Additional detailed information on the operation of the Program Flash Memory and data EEPROM memory is provided in the “NVM - Nonvolatile Memory Control” chapter.