Instruction Frame Sending

To send an instruction frame, the user must first configure the address to send by writing the field ADDR in the Instruction Address Register (INSTRADDR.ADDR). This step is required if the instruction frame includes an address and no data. When data is present, the address of the instruction is defined by the address of the data accesses in the QSPI memory space, and not by the INSTRADDR register.

If the instruction frame includes the instruction code and/or the option code, the user must configure the instruction code and/or the option code to send by writing the fields INST and OPTCODE bit fields in the Instruction Control Register (INSTRCTRL.OPTCODE, INSTRCTRL.INSTR).

Then, the user must write the Instruction Frame Register (INSTRFRAME) to configure the instruction frame depending on which instruction must be sent. If the instruction frame does not include data, writing in this register triggers the send of the instruction frame in the QSPI. If the instruction frame includes data, the send of the instruction frame is triggered by the first data access in the QSPI memory space.

The instruction frame is configured by the following bits and fields of INSTRFRAME:

  • WIDTH field is used to configure which data lanes are used to send the instruction code, the address, the option code and to transfer the data. It is possible to use two unidirectional data lanes (MISO-MOSI Single-bit SPI), two bidirectional data lanes (DATA0 - DATA1 Dual SPI) or four bidirectional data lanes (DATA0 - DATA3).
    Table 35-3. WIDTH Encoding
    INSTRFRAME Instruction Address/Option Data
    0 Single-bit SPI Single-bit SPI Single-bit SPI
    1 Single-bit SPI Single-bit SPI Dual SPI
    2 Single-bit SPI Single-bit SPI Quad SPI
    3 Single-bit SPI Dual SPI Dual SPI
    4 Single-bit SPI Quad SPI Quad SPI
    5 Dual SPI Dual SPI Dual SPI
    6 Quad SPI Quad SPI Quad SPI
    7 Reserved
  • INSTREN bit enables sending an instruction code.
  • ADDREN bit enables sending of an address after the instruction code.
  • OPTCODEEN bit enables sending of an option code after the address.
  • DATAEN bit enables the transfer of data (READ or PROGRAM instruction).
  • OPTCODELEN field configures the option code length (0 -> 1-bit / 1 -> 2-bit / 2 -> 4-bit / 3 -> 8-bit). The value written in OPTCODELEN must be consistent with value written in the field WIDTH. For example: OPTCODELEN = 0 (1-bit option code) is not coherent with WIDTH = 6 (option code sent with QuadSPI protocol, thus the minimum length of the option code is 4-bit).
  • ADDRLEN bit configures the address length (0 -> 24 bits / 1-> 32 bits)
  • TFRTYPE field defines which type of data transfer must be performed.
  • DUMMYLEN field configures the number of dummy cycles when reading data from the serial flash memory. Between the address/option and the data, with some instructions, dummy cycles are inserted by the serial flash memory.

If data transfer is enabled, the user can access the serial memory by reading or writing the QSPI memory space following these rules:

  • Reading from the serial memory, but not memory data (for example reading the JEDEC-ID or the STATUS), requires TFRTYPE to be written to 0x0.
  • Reading from the serial memory, and particularly memory data, requires TFRTYPE to be written to '1'.
  • Writing to the serial memory, but not memory data (for example writing the configuration or STATUS), requires TFRTYPE to be written to 0x2.
  • Writing to the serial memory, and particularly memory data, requires TFRTYPE to be written to 0x3.

If TFRTYP has a value other than 0x1 and CTRLB.SMEMREG=0, the address sent in the instruction frame is the address of the first system bus accesses. The addresses of the subsequent access actions are not used by the QSPI. At each system bus access, an SPI transfer is performed with the same size. For example, a half-word system bus access leads to a 16-bit SPI transfer, and a byte system bus access leads to an 8-bit SPI transfer.

If CTRLB.SMEMREG=1, accesses are made via the QSPI registers and the address sent in the instruction frame is the address defined in the INSTRADDR register. Each time the INSTRFRAME or TXDATA registers are written, an SPI transfer is performed with a byte size. Another byte is read each time RXDATA register is read or written each time TXDATA register is written. The SPI transfer ends by writing the LASTXFER bit in Control A register (CTRLA.LASTXFER).

If TFRTYP=0x1, the address of the first instruction frame is the one of the first read access in the QSPI memory space. Each time the read accesses become non-sequential (addresses are not consecutive), a new instruction frame is sent with the last system bus access address. In this way, the system can read data at a random location in the serial memory. The size of the SPI transfers may differ from the size of the system bus read accesses.

When data transfer is not enabled, the end of the instruction frame is indicated when the INSTREND interrupt flag in the INTFLAG register is set. When data transfer is enabled, the user must indicate when data transfer is completed in the QSPI memory space by setting the bit LASTXFR in the CTRLA. The end of the instruction frame is indicated when the INSTREND interrupt flag in the INTFLAG register is set.

Figure 35-10. Instruction Transmission Flow Diagram