20.6.7 Standby Configuration

Offset: 0x08
Reset: 0x00
Property: PAC Write-Protection

Bit 76543210 
   FASTWKUP[1:0]  RAMCFG[1:0] 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 0000 

Bits 5:4 – FASTWKUP[1:0] Fast Wake-up

0x0 NO Fast Wake-up is disabled.
0x1 NVM Fast Wake-up is enabled on NVM.
0x2 MAINVREG Fast Wake-up is enabled on the main voltage regulator (MAINVREG).
0x3 BOTH Fast Wake-up is enabled on both NVM and MAINVREG.

Bits 1:0 – RAMCFG[1:0] RAM Configuration

0x0 RET In standby mode, all the system RAM is retained.
0x1 PARTIAL In standby mode, only the first 32Kbytes of the system RAM is retained.
0x2 OFF In standby mode, all the system RAM is turned OFF.
0x3 Reserved Reserved.