52.7.1 Control A

Offset: 0x00
Reset: 0x00
Property: PAC Write-Protection, Write-Synchronized Bits

Bit 76543210 
Access R/WW 
Reset 00 

Bit 1 – ENABLE Enable

Due to synchronization, there is delay from updating the register until the peripheral is enabled/disabled. The value written to CTRL.ENABLE will read back immediately and the corresponding bit in the Synchronization Busy register (SYNCBUSY.ENABLE) will be set. SYNCBUSY.ENABLE is cleared when the peripheral is enabled/disabled.

Note: To avoid spurious interrupts from enable/disable cycles, use the SWRST bit to reset the comparator module.
0 The AC is disabled.
1 The AC is enabled. Each comparator must also be enabled individually by the Enable bit in the Comparator Control register (COMPCTRLn.ENABLE).

Bit 0 – SWRST Software Reset

Writing a '0' to this bit has no effect.

Writing a '1' to this bit resets all registers in the AC to their initial state, and the AC will be disabled.

Writing a '1' to CTRLA.SWRST will always take precedence, meaning that all other writes in the same write-operation will be discarded.

Due to synchronization, there is a delay from writing CTRLA.SWRST until the reset is complete. CTRLA.SWRST and SYNCBUSY.SWRST will both be cleared when the reset is complete.

  1. When the CTRLA.SWRST is written, the user must poll the SYNCBUSY.SWRST bit to know when the reset operation is complete.
  2. During a SWRST, access to registers/bits without the SWRST are disallowed until the SYNCBUSY.SWRST is cleared by hardware.
0 There is no reset operation ongoing.
1 The reset operation is ongoing.