14.7.9 OSC48M Divider

Note: OSC48MDIV is a write-synchronized register: OSC48MSYNCBUSY.OSC48MDIV must be checked to ensure the OSC48MDIV synchronization is complete. The OSC48M supports the change of frequency while running with a write to the OSC48M Divider register (OSC48MDIV.DIV). The OSC48M must be running and the OSC48M on demand bit (OSC48MCTRL.ONDEMAND) must be cleared when the OSC48MDIV.DIV is changed, to ensure synchronization is complete. The OSC48M must remain enabled until the sync busy flag returns to '0' (OSC48MSYNCBUSY.OSC48MDIV = 0).
Offset: 0x15
Reset: 0x0B
Property: PAC Write-Protection, Write-Synchronized

Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 1011 

Bits 3:0 – DIV[3:0] Oscillator Divider Selection

These bits control the oscillator frequency range by adjusting the division ratio. The oscillator frequency is 48 MHz divided by DIV+1.

0000 48 MHz
0001 24 MHz
0010 16 MHz
0011 12 MHz
0100 9.6 MHz
0101 8 MHz
0110 6.86 MHz
0111 6 MHz
1000 5.33 MHz
1001 4.8 MHz
1010 4.36 MHz
1011 4 MHz
1100 3.69 MHz
1101 3.43 MHz
1110 3.2 MHz
1111 3 MHz