46.7.4 32.768 kHz Crystal Oscillator

PIC32CM MC00 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator is optimized for very low-power consumption, hence close attention must be made when selecting crystals.

Figure 46-10. 32.768 kHz Crystal Oscillator Schematics
Note: 32.768 kHz crystal selection must be done using both the crystal data sheet and the crystal oscillator parameters given in the “XOSC32K Electrical Specifications” from the “Electrical Characteristics” chapter.
Table 46-6. 32.768 kHz Crystal Oscillator Checklist
Signal Name Description Recommended Pin Connection
XIN32 External Crystal

Crystal frequency range specified in the XOSC32K Electrical Characteristics (XOSC32K_1 parameter)

C1 Load Capacitor (1,2)
XOUT32 C2 Load Capacitor (1,2)
  1. The capacitors must be placed close to the device.
  2. Crystal Load Capacitors Calculation is given in the XOSC32K Electrical Characteristics.