42.7.4 Event Control

Offset: 0x06
Reset: 0x0000
Property: Enable-Protected, PAC Write-Protection

Bit 15141312111098 
Reset 000000 
Bit 76543210 
Reset 00000000 

Bits 12, 13 – MCEOx Match Channel x Event Output Enable [x = 1..0]

These bits control whether event match on channel x is enabled or not and generated for every match.

0 Match event on channel x is disabled and will not be generated.
1 Match event on channel x is enabled and will be generated for every compare.

Bit 11 – VLCEO Velocity Output Event Enable

This bit is used to enable the velocity event. When enabled, an event level will be generated for each change on the qualified PDEC phases.

This bit has no effect when COUNTER operation mode is selected.

0 VLC output event is disabled and will not be generated.
1 VLC output is enabled and will be generated for every valid velocity condition.

Bit 10 – DIREO Direction Output Event Enable

This bit is used to enable the Direction event. When enabled, an event level output is generated to report the rotation direction.

0 DIR output event is disabled and will not be generated.
1 DIR output is enabled and changes the level when the rotation direction changes.

Bit 9 – ERREO Error Output Event Enable

This bit enables the output of the Error event (ERR).
0 ERR Event output is disabled.
1 ERR Event output is enabled.

Bit 8 – OVFEO Overflow/Underflow Output Event Enable

This bit is used to enable the Overflow/Underflow event. When enabled, an event will be generated when the Counter overflows/underflows.

0 Overflow/Underflow event is disabled and will not be generated.
1 Overflow/Underflow event is enabled and will be generated for every counter overflow/underflow.

Bits 7:5 – EVEI[2:0] Event Input Enable

This bit is used to enable asynchronous input event for the Retrigger action. The bit position of the EVEI[2:0] bitfield corresponds with the PDEC channel number.

0 Incoming events are disabled.
1 Incoming events are enabled.

Bits 4:2 – EVINV[2:0] Inverted Event Input Enable

This bit inverts the asynchronous input event for the Retrigger action. The bit position of the EVINV[2:0] bitfield corresponds with the PDEC channel number.

0 Input event source is not inverted.
1 Input event source is inverted.

Bits 1:0 – EVACT[1:0] Event Action

These bits have an effect only when COUNTER operation mode is selected, and ignored in all other operation modes.

These bits define the event action the counter will perform on an event.

0 OFF Event action disabled
1 RETRIGGER Start, restart or retrigger on event
2 Reserved -