Oversampling and Decimation

By using oversampling and decimation, the ADC resolution can be increased from 12 bits up to 16 bits, for the cost of reduced effective sampling rate.

Note: To perform oversampling and decimation, the Conversion Result Resolution field in the Control C register (CTRLC.RESSEL) must be set to 16-bit mode.

To increase the resolution by n bits, 4n samples must be accumulated. The result must then be right-shifted by n bits. This right-shift is a combination of the automatic right-shift and the value written to AVGCTRL.ADJRES. To obtain the correct resolution, the ADJRES must be configured as described in the table below. This method will result in n bit extra LSB resolution.

Table 36-3. Configuration Required for Oversampling and Decimation
Result Resolution Number of Samples to Average AVGCTRL.SAMPLENUM[3:0] Number of Automatic Right Shifts AVGCTRL.ADJRES[2:0]
13 bits 41 = 4 0x2 0 0x1
14 bits 42 = 16 0x4 0 0x2
15 bits 43 = 64 0x6 2 0x1
16 bits 44 = 256 0x8 4 0x0