6.4 Project Selection Page
This page shows the list of various project types that can be chosen.
Generic Project
Continuing the wizard after choosing this option creates a custom project that has system/device initialization code and various software modules added to the project. The application logic can be easily added that could use the generated code.
Low Power Periodic Transmission of Data
This project demonstrates the periodic wireless transmissions and low power sleep modes. In this application, the system will be in a sleep mode (that consumes very little power), wake up after a pre-determined time to transmit a data (i.e., power supply voltage value read from the transceiver), and go back into sleep mode.
Performance Analyzer
This project creates the Performance Analyzer firmware for the target boards, using which, the performance tests such as PER, ED Scan, Range Test etc. can be performed.
Wireless UART
This project demonstrates the implementation of a bidirectional Wireless UART that enables debugging and communication between two systems wirelessly.