57.7 USB Transceiver Characteristics

The device conforms to all voltage, power, and timing characteristics and specifications as set forth in the USB 2.0 specification. Refer to the USB 2.0 specification for additional information.

Table 57-27. USB Transceiver Dynamic Power Consumption
IBIASBias Current Consumption on VBG12mA
IVDDUTMIIHS Transceiver Current ConsumptionHS transmission44mA
HS Transceiver Current ConsumptionHS reception24mA
LS / FS Transceiver Current ConsumptionFS transmission 0m cable (see Note 1)5mA
LS / FS Transceiver Current ConsumptionFS transmission 5m cable (see Note 1)30mA
LS / FS Transceiver Current ConsumptionFS reception (see Note 1)1mA
Note: 1. Including 1 mA due to pull-up or pull-down current consumption.