27.6.6 Standby Configuration

Table 27-9. Register Bit Attribute Legend
Symbol Description Symbol Description Symbol Description
R Readable bit HC Cleared by Hardware (Grey cell) Unimplemented
W Writable bit HS Set by Hardware X Bit is unknown at Reset
K Write to clear S Software settable bit
Offset: 0x0008
Reset: 0x0004
Property: PAC Write-Protection

Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/W 
Reset 10 

Bit 2 – LPRAM Low Power RAM Enable

0x0 RAM is not retained in standby when Low Power mode is active
0x1 RAM is retained in standby when Low Power mode is active

Bit 0 – RAMCFG Standby Mode RAM Configuration

0 All the RAMs are retained (RET)
1 Only the first 32kB are retained (OFF)