36.10.1 USB Control Status Register Low for Endpoint0

Table 36-74. Register Bit Attribute Legend
Symbol Description Symbol Description Symbol Description
R Readable bit HC Cleared by Hardware (Grey cell) Unimplemented
W Writable bit HS Set by Hardware X Bit is unknown at Reset
K Write to clear S Software settable bit
Name: CSR0L
Offset: 0x1012
Reset: 0x0000
Property: PAC Write-Protection

Bit 76543210 
Reset 00000000 

Bit 7 – NAKTMOUT NAK Time-out Control bit

0 Allow the endpoint to continue
1 Endpoint 0 is halted following the receipt of NAK responses for longer than the time set by the NAKLIM<4:0> bits (USBICSR<28:24>)

Bit 6 – STATUSPKT Status Stage Transaction Control Bit

0 Do not perform a status stage transaction
1 When set at the same time as the TXPKTRDY or REQPKT bit is set, performs a status stage transaction

Bit 5 – REQPKT IN Transaction Request Control Bit

0 Do not request an IN transaction
1 Request an IN transaction. This bit is cleared when the RXPKTRDY bit is set.

Bit 4 – ERROR No Response Error Status bit

0 Clear this flag. Software must write a '0' to this bit to clear it.
1 Three attempts have been made to perform a transaction with no response from the peripheral. An interrupt is generated.

Bit 3 – SETUPPKT Definition bit

0 Normal OUT token for the transaction bit 19
1 When set at the same time as the TXPKTRDY bit is set, send a SETUP token instead of an OUT token for the transaction. This also clears the Data Toggle.

Bit 2 – RXSTALL STALL handshake received Status bit

0 Software clear of bit
1 STALL handshake was received

Bit 1 – TXPKTRDY TX Packet Ready Control bit

0 No data packet is ready for transmit
1 Data packet has been loaded into the FIFO. It is cleared automatically.

Bit 0 – RXPKTRDY RX Packet Ready Status bit

This bit is cleared by setting the SVCRPR bit.

0 No data packet has been received
1 Data packet has been received. Interrupt is generated (when enabled) when this bit is set.