36.8.1 Endpoint0 RX Count Register

Count0 is a read-only register that indicates the number of received data bytes in the Endpoint 0 FIFO. The value returned changes as the contents of the FIFO change and is only valid while RxPktRdy (CSR0.D0) is set.

Table 36-64. Register Bit Attribute Legend
Symbol Description Symbol Description Symbol Description
R Readable bit HC Cleared by Hardware (Grey cell) Unimplemented
W Writable bit HS Set by Hardware X Bit is unknown at Reset
K Write to clear S Software settable bit
Name: COUNT0
Offset: 0x1018
Reset: 0x0000
Property: Read Only

Bit 76543210 
Reset 0000000 

Bits 6:0 – ENDPOINT0RXCOUNT[6:0]

The number of received data bytes in the Endpoint 0 FIFO. The value returned changes as the contents of the FIFO change and is only valid while the RXPKTRDY bit is set.