Continue Host OTA DFU (OTAA…)

Format: OTAA, <hex8> [,<MCU maximum buffer size/hex16>]

This command is the same as the command used in Allow OTA DFU (OTAA…), but it accepts more parameters in the host OTA DFU. Regarding the first parameter, besides “0” for disallow, “1” is for allow the Host OTA DFU procedure proceeding or not, “2” is for continue, “3” is for error is used when the host MCU receives an image and notifies the RNBD451 to continue transmitting images or notifies that an error occurred.

An optional parameter in hex16 is used to notify the maximum buffer size used in the DFU procedure. If MCU sends the command without appending this parameter, the RNBD451 default maximum buffer size is 256 byes.

Example:OTAA,02// Fragmented image received, allow the RNBD451 to continue to send more

image fragments


// Command success

Err // Parameter error or response to OTA service error