5.7.3 Over-The-Air Profile Client (OTAPC) Device Firmware Update

This method implements the device firmware update on a remote RNBD451 device with the help of a peer RNBD451 device OTA. Use this feature in scenarios where a module-to-module firmware update is a necessary. Here, the central device that initiates the connection to the peripheral is the firmware update initiator. The DFU commands are applied to the central device to carry out the firmware update on the remote RNBD451 device.

After entering the DFU mode, the central device sends a device firmware update request to the peripheral device. Upon receiving the approval for the DFU request command, the central device initiates the image distribution.

The following are the example application scenarios:

  • RNBD451 #A as a production tool which acts as GATT client and Central role 
  • RNBD451 #B as a production DUT which acts as GATT server and Peripheral role
  • RNBD451 #A and #B are connected over the Bluetooth LE link
  • MCU simulation tool (for example, RNBD_DFU_OTAPC_Vx.x.x_Tool) is connected with the RNBD451 #A over UART 
  • MCU simulation tool (for example, RNBD_DFU_OTAPC_Vx.x.x_Tool) issues the RNBD command to perform OTA DFU to the RNBD451 #B (DUT)
    Figure 5-27. Illustration of MCU Simulation Tool DFU

For more details on detail demo procedure, refer to the 8.3.2 OTAPC.