34.10.6 Analog Comparator Characteristics

Table 34-27. Electrical and Timing
Positive input voltage range- 0-VDDANAV
Negative input voltage range- 0-VDDANA
OffsetHysteresis = 0, Fast mode-26026mV
Hysteresis = 0, Low-Power mode-28028mV
HysteresisHysteresis = 1, Fast mode850102mV
Hysteresis = 1, Low-Power mode144075mV
Propagation delay Changes for VACM = VDDANA/2 100 mV overdrive, Fast mode -90180ns
Changes for VACM = VDDANA/2 100 mV overdrive, Low-Power mode-282534ns
tSTARTUP Startup time Enable to ready delay Fast mode -13µs
Enable to ready delay Low-Power mode-1423µs
VSCALEINL (3)- -1.60.751.6LSB
DNL (3) --0.950.250.95LSB
Offset Error (1,2) --
Gain Error (1,2) --0.890.2152LSB
  1. According to the standard equation, V(X) = VLSB*(X+1); VLSB = VDDANA/64.
  2. Data computed with the Best Fit method.
  3. Data computed using histogram.