2.9 Arduino Uno R3 Interface

The PIC32CZ CA80/CA90 Curiosity Ultra development board has an Arduino Uno R3 compatible header which enables the use of Arduino shields. Peripherals, such as ADC, SPI, I2C, UART, and PWM of the PIC32CZ MCU can be interfaced with Arduino shields using the Arduino Uno R3 interface.

The pin map between the PIC32CZ device and the Arduino Uno R3 interface is given in the following table.

Table 2-10. Pin Map for the Arduino Uno R3 Interface
Arduino Uno R3 Pin Name PIC32CZ CA80/CA90 Pin Name
A0 PA18
A1 PA17
A2 PA16
A3 PA15
A4 PA29
A5 PA28
D0/RX PC22
D1/TX PC21
D2 PG6
D3 PG5
D4 PG7
D5 PA23
D6 PA22
D7 PG9
D8 PG10
D9 PB11
D10 PD26
D11 PD24
D12 PD27
D13 PD25
D14/SDA PC25
D15/SCL PC26