4.3.4 Cortex Debug Connector
SAM R34 Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit has a 10-pin 50-mil Cortex Debug Connector that can be used to attach external debuggers to the SAM R34.
Cortex Debug Connector pin | Pin / Net | Function | Shared functionality |
1 | VCC_TARGET_P3V3 | SAM R34 voltage | - |
2 | PA31_SWDIO | SWD data signal | Serial Wire Debug |
3 | GND | Ground | - |
4 | PA30_SWDCLK | SWD clock signal | Serial Wire Debug |
5 | GND | Ground | - |
6 | - | - | - |
7 | - | - | - |
8 | - | - | - |
9 | GND | Ground | - |
10 | RESET* | Target reset signal | Mechanical Buttons |
Note: The target reset (RESET* pin on the ATSAMR34 Low Power LoRa® Sub-GHz SiP) is isolated from the Cortex Debug
Connector by R300 (0 Ohm link) which is not mounted by default in the PCBA.