9.1.1 Provisioning Control Flow

Figure 9-2. HTTP Provisioning Sequence Diagram

The preceding figure shows the provisioning operation for a WINC device. The detailed steps are described as follows:

  1. The WINC device starts the HTTP Provisioning mode.
  2. A user with a smartphone finds the WINC AP SSID in the Wi-Fi search list.
  3. The user connects to the WINC AP.
  4. The user launches the web browser and writes the WINC home page in the address bar.
  5. If the HTTP redirect bit (bEnableHttpRedirect) is set in m2m_wifi_start_provision_mode API, then all http traffic (http://URL) from the associated device (Phone, PC, and so on) are redirected to the WINC HTTP Provisioning home page. Some phones display a notification message “sign in to Wi-Fi networks?” which, when accepted, automatically loads the WINC home page. The WINC home page, as shown in Figure 10.1, appears on the browser.
  6. To discover the list of Wi-Fi APs in the area, the user can press “Refresh”.
  7. The desired AP is then selected from the search list (by one click or one touch) and its name automatically appears in the “Network Name” text box.
  8. The user must then enter the correct AP passphrase (for WPA/WPA2 personal security) in the “Pass Phrase” text box. If the desired AP uses open security, (M2M_WIFI_SEC_OPEN) then the Pass Phrase field is left empty.
  9. A WINC device name may be optionally configured, if desired, by the user in the “Device Name” text box.
  10. Then, the user must press Connect.

The WINC turns off AP mode and start connecting to the provisioned AP.