11 Module Outline Drawings

The ATWILC1000-MR110PB module package details are outlined in the following figure. Dimensions are in mm.

Tolerance details for the mechanical dimensions:
  • L: 21.72 mm ± 0.15 mm
  • W: 14.73 mm ± 0.15 mm
  • H: 2.113 mm ± 0.15 mm
Figure 11-1. Module Drawings – ATWILC1000-MR110PB - Top, Bottom and Side Views

The ATWILC1000-MR110UB module package details are outlined in the following figure. Dimensions are in mm.

Tolerance details for the mechanical dimensions:
  • L: 21.72 mm ± 0.15 mm
  • W: 14.73 mm ± 0.15 mm
  • H: 2.113 mm ± 0.15 mm
Figure 11-2. Module Drawings – ATWILC1000-MR110UB - Top, Bottom and Side Views

This section provides the outline drawing for the recommended footprint for the ATWILC1000-MR110xB module. It is imperative that the center Ground Pad is provided, with an array of GND vias to provide a good ground and act as a thermal sink for the ATWILC1000-MR110xB module.

Figure 11-3. Recommended Solder Pad Footprint