5 Power Management

The ATWILC1000-MR110xB module has several device states:
  • On states:
    • ON_Transmit – Device actively transmits an 802.11 signal. Highest output power and nominal current consumption.
    • ON_Receive – Device actively receivies an 802.11 signal. Lowest sensitivity and nominal current consumption.
    • ON_Doze – Device is powered on but it does not actively transmit or receive the data.
    • Power_Down – Device core supply is powered off.
The following pins are used to switch between the ON and Power_Down states:
  • CHIP_EN – This pin (pin 22) enables or disables the DC/DC converter.
  • VDDIO – I/O supply voltage from external supply.

In the ON states, VDDIO is ON and CHIP_EN is high (at VDDIO voltage level). To change from the ON states to Power_Down state, connect the RESETN and CHIP_EN pin to logic low (GND) by following the power-down sequence mentioned in Section Power-Up/Down Sequence. When VDDIO is off and CHIP_EN is low, the chip is powered off with no leakage (also see Section Restrictions for Power States).