10 Appendix

MTCH1030 Touch Tune Data, Addressable LEDs Timing and Format, Schematics, Assembly Drawing.

Schematics, and assembly drawing for the latest board revision are available as a PDF here.

10.1 MTCH1030 Touch Tune Data

Touch sensor data captured with MTCH1030 can be visualized using the MPLAB® Data Visualizer. UART data is output from MTCH1030 on the SW1 pin on the Explorer and can be streamed to the Data Visualizer through the on-board USB bridge.

Important: Power off the Explorer before making any changes to the pin mapping.
To stream data from the MTCH1030, follow the steps below:
  1. Remove the UART TX jumper cap in the pin remapping area.
  2. Remove the SW1 jumper cap in the pin remapping area.
  3. Ensure that the UART slide switch (S501) is set to connect the Explorer UART to the MCP2221A.
  4. Connect the peripheral side of both SW1 and UART TX using a jumper wire.
  5. Keep the mechanical SW2 button pressed while powering on the Explorer.
  6. Follow the steps in the MTCH1030 data sheet appendix to configure the Data Visualizer.
Figure 10-1. Enabling Touch Tune Data
Board OverviewTouch ControllerUSB BridgeUARTRemapping Area

Related information: Touch Controller

10.2 Addressable LEDs Timing and Format

Luckilight manufactures the eight digital addressable LEDs on the Explorer. The manufacturer part number is FR5050RGB4C-F1A. They behave similarly to WS2812B LEDs but with slightly different timing information.

Table 10-1. Timing Characteristics
Data Transfer Time
ParameterMin. [µs]Max. [µs]
T (Meta code cycle)11.2--

1The minimum requirement for the period is 1.2 µs.

Figure 10-2. Sequence Chart
Table 10-2. 24-bit Data Format

The data bits must be sent one by one, starting with G7.

Related information: Digital Addressable LEDs

10.3 Schematics

Figure 10-3. CNANO Socket
Figure 10-4. Peripherals
Figure 10-5. Audio
Figure 10-6. Outputs
Figure 10-7. Inputs
Figure 10-8. USB Bridge
Figure 10-9. Power Supply

10.4 Assembly Drawings

Figure 10-10. Curiosity Nano Explorer Top Assembly
Figure 10-11. Curiosity Nano Explorer Bottom Assembly