Transmitting Address Packets

The I2C master starts a bus transaction by writing the I2C slave address to ADDR.ADDR and the direction bit, as described in Principle of Operation. If the bus is busy, the I2C master will wait until the bus becomes idle before continuing the operation. When the bus is idle, the I2C master will issue a start condition on the bus. The I2C master will then transmit an address packet using the address written to ADDR.ADDR. After the address packet has been transmitted by the I2C master, one of four cases will arise according to arbitration and transfer direction.

Case 1: Arbitration lost or bus error during address packet transmission

If arbitration was lost during transmission of the address packet, the Master on Bus bit in the Interrupt Flag Status and Clear register (INTFLAG.MB) and the Arbitration Lost bit in the Status register (STATUS.ARBLOST) are both set. Serial data output to SDA is disabled, and the SCL is released, which disables clock stretching. In effect the I2C master is no longer allowed to execute any operation on the bus until the bus is idle again. A bus error will behave similarly to the arbitration lost condition. In this case, the MB interrupt flag and Master Bus Error bit in the Status register (STATUS.BUSERR) are both set in addition to STATUS.ARBLOST.

The Master Received Not Acknowledge bit in the Status register (STATUS.RXNACK) will always contain the last successfully received acknowledge or not acknowledge indication.

In this case, software will typically inform the application code of the condition and then clear the interrupt flag before exiting the interrupt routine. No other flags have to be cleared at this moment, because all flags will be cleared automatically the next time the ADDR.ADDR register is written.

Case 2: Address packet transmit complete – No ACK received

If there is no I2C slave device responding to the address packet, then the INTFLAG.MB interrupt flag and STATUS.RXNACK will be set. The clock hold is active at this point, preventing further activity on the bus.

The missing ACK response can indicate that the I2C slave is busy with other tasks or sleeping. Therefore, it is not able to respond. In this event, the next step can be either issuing a stop condition (recommended) or resending the address packet by a repeated start condition. When using SMBus logic, the slave must ACK the address. If there is no response, it means that the slave is not available on the bus.

Case 3: Address packet transmit complete – Write packet, Master on Bus set

If the I2C master receives an acknowledge response from the I2C slave, INTFLAG.MB will be set and STATUS.RXNACK will be cleared. The clock hold is active at this point, preventing further activity on the bus.

In this case, the software implementation becomes highly protocol dependent. Three possible actions can enable the I2C operation to continue:
  • Initiate a data transmit operation by writing the data byte to be transmitted into DATA.DATA.
  • Transmit a new address packet by writing ADDR.ADDR. A repeated start condition will automatically be inserted before the address packet.
  • Issue a stop condition, consequently terminating the transaction.

Case 4: Address packet transmit complete – Read packet, Slave on Bus set

If the I2C master receives an ACK from the I2C slave, the I2C master proceeds to receive the next byte of data from the I2C slave. When the first data byte is received, the Slave on Bus bit in the Interrupt Flag register (INTFLAG.SB) will be set and STATUS.RXNACK will be cleared. The clock hold is active at this point, preventing further activity on the bus.

In this case, the software implementation becomes highly protocol dependent. Three possible actions can enable the I2C operation to continue:
  • Let the I2C master continue to read data by acknowledging the data received. ACK can be sent by software, or automatically in smart mode.
  • Transmit a new address packet.
  • Terminate the transaction by issuing a stop condition.
Note: An ACK or NACK will be automatically transmitted if smart mode is enabled. The Acknowledge Action bit in the Control B register (CTRLB.ACKACT) determines whether ACK or NACK should be sent.