High-Speed Mode

High-speed transfers are a multi-step process, see High Speed Transfer.

First, a master code (0b00001nnn, where 'nnn' is a unique master code) is transmitted in Full-speed mode, followed by a NACK since no slaveshould acknowledge. Arbitration is performed only during the Full-speed Master Code phase. The master code is transmitted by writing the master code to the address register (ADDR.ADDR) and writing the high-speed bit (ADDR.HS) to '0'.

After the master code and NACK have been transmitted, the master write interrupt will be asserted. In the meanwhile, the slave address can be written to the ADDR.ADDR register together with ADDR.HS=1. Now in High-speed mode, the master will generate a repeated start, followed by the slave address with RW-direction. The bus will remain in High-speed mode until a stop is generated. If a repeated start is desired, the ADDR.HS bit must again be written to '1', along with the new address ADDR.ADDR to be transmitted.

Figure 13-114. High Speed Transfer

Transmitting in High-speed mode requires the I2C master to be configured in High-speed mode (CTRLA.SPEED=0x2) and the SCL clock stretch mode (CTRLA.SCLSM) bit set to '1'.