
The AT86RF212B supports alternative data rates of 200, 400, 500, and 1000kb/s for applications not necessarily targeting IEEE 802.15.4 compliant networks.

The High Data Rate Modes utilize the same RF channel bandwidth as the IEEE 802.15.4‑2006 sub-1GHz O-QPSK modes. Higher data rates are achieved by using the modified O-QPSK spreading codes having reduced code lengths. The lengths are reduced by the factor of two or by the factor of four.

For O-QPSK with 400kchip/s, this leads to a data rate of 200kb/s (2-fold) and 400kb/s (4-fold), respectively.

For O-QPSK with 1000kchip/s, the resulting data rate is 500kb/s (2-fold) and 1000kb/s (4-fold), respectively.

Due to the decreased spreading factor, the sensitivity of the receiver is reduced. The PSENS parameter in the Receiver Characteristics shows typical values of the sensitivity for different data rates.