15.11 NVM Characteristics

Table 15-28. NVM Max Speed Characteristics
Conditions CPU Fmax (MHz)
PL0 (-40/85°C) VDDIN>1.6 V 6 12 12 12
VDDIN>2.7 V 7.5 12 12 12
PL2 (-40/85°C) VDDIN>1.6 V 14 28 42 48
VDDIN>2.7 V 24 45 48 48
Table 15-29. NVM Timing Characteristics
Symbol Timings Max Units
tFPP Page Write(1) 2.5 ms
tFRE Row erase(1) 6
  1. These values are based on simulation. They are not covered by production test limits or characterization.
  2. For this Flash technology, a maximum number of 8 consecutive writes is allowed per row. Once this number is reached, a row erase is mandatory.
Table 15-30. NVM Reliability Characteristics
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units
RetNVM25k Retention after up to 25k Average ambient 55°C 10 50 - Years
RetNVM2.5k Retention after up to 2.5k Average ambient 55°C 20 100 - Years
RetNVM100 Retention after up to 100 Average ambient 55°C 25 >100 - Years
CycNVM Cycling Endurance(1) -40°C < Ta < 85°C 25K 100K - Cycles
Note: 1. An endurance cycle is a write and an erase operation.
Table 15-31. EEPROM Emulation(1) Reliability Characteristics
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units
RetEE100k Retention after up to 100k Average ambient 55°C 10 50 - Years
RetEE10k Retention after up to 10k Average ambient 55°C 20 100 - Years
CycEE Cycling Endurance(2) -40°C < Ta < 85°C 100K 400K - Cycles

(1) The EEPROM emulation is a software emulation described in the App note AT03265.

(2) An endurance cycle is a write and an erase operation.

Table 15-32. Flash Erase and Programming Current
Symbol Parameter Typ. Units
IDDNVM Maximum current (peak) during whole programming or erase operation 10 mA