NAND Flash Support

External Bus Interfaces integrate circuitry that interfaces to NAND Flash devices.

External Bus Interface

The NAND Flash logic is driven by the Static Memory Controller on the NCS3 address space. Programming the EBI_CS3A field in the SFR_CCFG_EBICSA Register in the SFR User Interface to the appropriate value enables the NAND Flash logic. For details on this register, refer to 24 Special Function Registers (SFR). Access to an external NAND Flash device is then made by accessing the address space reserved to NCS3 (i.e., between 0x4000 0000 and 0x4FFF FFFF).

The NAND Flash Logic drives the read and write command signals of the SMC on the NANDOE and NANDWE signals when the NCS3 signal is active. NANDOE and NANDWE are invalidated as soon as the transfer address fails to lie in the NCS3 address space. See the figure below for more information. For details on these waveforms, refer to 34 Static Memory Controller (SMC).

NAND Flash Signals

The address latch enable and command latch enable signals on the NAND Flash device are driven by address bits A22 and A21 of the EBI address bus. The command, address or data words on the data bus of the NAND Flash device are distinguished by using their addresses within the NCSx address space. The chip enable (CE) signal of the device and the ready/busy (R/B) signals are connected to PIO lines. The CE signal then remains asserted even when NCSx is not selected, preventing the device from returning to Standby mode.

Figure 31-8. NAND Flash Application Example
Note: The CE signal of the NAND Flash must be connected to PIOD4 (NCS3/NANDCS) if the user's system boots out of NAND Flash.