19.7.5 RTC Clock Selection Control

Offset: 0x10
Reset: 0x00
Property: PAC Write-Protection

Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/WR/W 
Reset 000 

Bits 2:0 – RTCSEL[2:0] RTC Clock Selection

These bits select the source for the RTC.
0x0 ULP1K 1024 Hz from the OSCULP32K low-power internal RC oscillator
0x1 ULP32K 32.768 kHz from the OSCULP32K low-power internal RC oscillator
0x2-0x3 Reserved -
0x4 XOSC1K 1024 Hz from the XOSC32K crystal oscillator
0x5 XOSC32K 32.768 kHz from the XOSC32K crystal oscillator
0x6-0x7 Reserved -