FIFO Operation
The USART embeds up to 16-bytes FIFO capability. The receive / transmit buffer is considered to have the FIFO mode enabled when the FIFOEN bit in CTRLC register is set to a ‘1’ (CTRLC.FIFOEN = 1). By default, the FIFO can act as a 16-by-8-bit array, or as a 4-by-32-bit array, depending on the setting of the CTRLC.DATA32B bit.
The hardware around this array implements four pointers, called the CPU Write Pointer (CPUWRPTR), the CPU Read Pointer (CPURDPTR), the USART Write pointer (USARTWRPTR) and the USART Read pointer (USARTRDPTR). All of these pointers reset to ‘0’. The CPUWRPTR and CPURDPTR pointers are native to the CPU clock domain, while the USARTWRPTR and USARTRDPTR are native to the USART domain. The location pointed to by the CPUWRPTR is the current TX FIFO. The location pointed to by the CPURDPTR becomes the current RX FIFO. Writes to DATA register by the CPU will point to TX FIFO. Reads to DATA register by the CPU will point to RX FIFO. The location pointed to by the USARTWRPTR / USARTRDPTR is logically the current RX/TX shift registers.
The interrupts and DMA triggers are generated according to FIFO threshold settings in Control C register (CTRLC.TXTRHOLD, CTRLC.RXTRHOLD).
The Data Register Empty interrupt flag, and the DMA TX trigger respectivly, are generated when the available place in the TX FIFO is equal or higher than the threshold value defined by the CTRLC.TXTRHOLD settings. The Transfer complete interrupt is generated when the TX FIFO is empty and the entire data (including the stop bits) has been transmitted.
The Receive Complete interrupt flag, and the DMA RX trigger respectivly, are generated when the number of bytes present in the RX FIFO equals or is higher than the threshold value defined by the CTRLC.RXTRHOLD settings. The ERROR interrupt flag is generated when both RX shifter and the RX FIFO are full.
The FIFO is fully accessible if the SERCOM is halted, by writting the corresponding CPU FIFO pointer in the FIFOPTR register. The RX or TX FIFO can be individually cleared, by setting the respective FIFO Clear bit in the Control B register (CTRLB.FIFOCLR). The FIFO Clear must be written before data transfer begins. Writing the FIFO Clear bits while a frame is in progress will produce unpredicatable results.