Retrigger Command and Event Action

A retrigger command can be issued from software by writing the Command bits in the Control B Set register (CTRLBSET.CMD = 0x1, RETRIGGER), or from event when a retrigger event action is configured in the Event Control register (EVCTRL.EVACT = 0x1, RETRIGGER).

When the command is detected during counting operation, the counter will be reloaded or cleared, depending on the counting direction (CTRLBSET.DIR or CTRLBCLR.DIR). When the retrigger command is detected while the counter is stopped, the counter will resume counting from the current value in the COUNT register.

Note: When a retrigger event action is configured in the Event Action bits in the Event Control register (EVCTRL.EVACT=0x1, RETRIGGER), enabling the counter will not start the counter. The counter will start on the next incoming event and restart on corresponding following event.