60.5.2 SHA Mode Register

Name: SHA_MR
Offset: 0x04
Reset: 0x0000100
Property: Read/Write

Bit 3130292827262524 
 CHKCNT[3:0]  CHECK[1:0] 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 000000 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Access R/W 
Reset 0 
Bit 15141312111098 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 0001 
Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 00000 

Bits 31:28 – CHKCNT[3:0] Check Counter

Number of 32-bit words to check. The value 0 indicates that the number of words to compare will be based on the algorithm selected (5 words for SHA1, 7 words for SHA224, 8 words for SHA256, 12 words for SHA384, 16 words for SHA512).

Bits 25:24 – CHECK[1:0] Hash Check

Values not listed in table must be considered as “reserved”.

0 NO_CHECK No check is performed.
1 CHECK_EHV Check is performed with expected hash stored in internal expected hash value registers.
2 CHECK_MESSAGE Check is performed with expected hash provided after the message.

Bit 16 – DUALBUFF Dual Input Buffer


SHA_IDATARx and SHA_IODATARx cannot be written during processing of previous block.


SHA_IDATARx and SHA_IODATARx can be written during processing of previous block when SMOD value = 2. It speeds up the overall runtime of large files.

Bits 11:8 – ALGO[3:0] SHA Algorithm

Values not listed in the table must be considered as “reserved”.

0 SHA1 SHA1 algorithm processed
1 SHA256 SHA256 algorithm processed
2 SHA384 SHA384 algorithm processed
3 SHA512 SHA512 algorithm processed
4 SHA224 SHA224 algorithm processed
8 HMAC_SHA1 HMAC algorithm with SHA1 Hash processed
9 HMAC_SHA256 HMAC algorithm with SHA256 Hash processed
10 HMAC_SHA384 HMAC algorithm with SHA384 Hash processed
11 HMAC_SHA512 HMAC algorithm with SHA512 Hash processed
12 HMAC_SHA224 HMAC algorithm with SHA224 Hash processed
13 Reserved
14 Reserved

Bit 6 – UIEHV User Initial or Expected Hash Value Registers

0 The SHA algorithm is started with the standard initial values as defined in the FIPS 180 specification.
1 The SHA algorithm is started with the user initial hash values stored in the internal register 1 (IR1). If HMAC is configured, UIEHV has no effect (i.e. IR1 is always selected).

Bit 5 – UIHV User Initial Hash Values

0 The SHA algorithm is started with the standard initial values as defined in the FIPS 180 specification.
1 The SHA algorithm is started with the user initial hash values stored in the internal register 0 (IR0). If HMAC is configured, UIHV has no effect (i.e. IR0 is selected).

Bit 4 – PROCDLY Processing Delay

When SHA1 algorithm is processed, runtime period is either 85 or 209 clock cycles.

When SHA256 or SHA224 algorithm is processed, runtime period is either 72 or 194 clock cycles.

When SHA384 or SHA512 algorithm is processed, runtime period is either 88 or 209 clock cycles.

0 SHORTEST SHA processing runtime is the shortest one
1 LONGEST SHA processing runtime is the longest one (reduces the SHA bandwidth requirement, reduces the system bus overload)

Bits 1:0 – SMOD[1:0] Start Mode

Values not listed in the table must be considered as “reserved”.

If a DMA transfer is used, configure the SMOD value to 2. See DMA Mode for details.

0 MANUAL_START Manual mode
1 AUTO_START Auto mode
2 IDATAR0_START SHA_IDATAR0 access only mode (mandatory when DMA is used)