60.5.6 SHA Interrupt Status Register

Offset: 0x1C
Reset: 0x00000000
Property: Read-only

Bit 3130292827262524 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Access RRRRR 
Reset 00000 
Bit 15141312111098 
  URAT[2:0]   URAD 
Access RRRR 
Reset 0000 
Bit 76543210 
Access RR 
Reset 00 

Bits 23:20 – CHKST[3:0] Check Status (cleared by writing SHA_CR.START or SHA_CR.SWRST or by reading SHA_IODATARx)

Value 5 indicates identical hash values (expected hash = hash result). Any other value indicates different hash values.

Bit 16 – CHECKF Check Done Status (cleared by writing SHA_CR.START or SHA_CR.SWRST or by reading SHA_IODATARx)

0 Hash check has not been computed.
1 Hash check has been computed, status is available in the CHKST bits.

Bits 14:12 – URAT[2:0] Unspecified Register Access Type (cleared by writing a 1 to SWRST bit in SHA_CR)

Only the last Unspecified Register Access Type is available through the URAT field.

0 SHA_IDATAR0 to SHA_IDATAR15 written during data processing in DMA mode (URAD = 1 and URAT = 0 can occur only if DUALBUFF is cleared in SHA_MR)
1 Output Data Register read during data processing
2 SHA_MR written during data processing
3 Write-only register read access

Bit 8 – URAD Unspecified Register Access Detection Status (cleared by writing a 1 to SHA_CR.SWRST)

0 No unspecified register access has been detected since the last SWRST.
1 At least one unspecified register access has been detected since the last SWRST.

Bit 4 – WRDY Input Data Register Write Ready

0 SHA_IDATAR0 cannot be written
1 SHA_IDATAR0 can be written

Bit 0 – DATRDY Data Ready (cleared by writing a 1 to bit SWRST or START in SHA_CR, or by reading SHA_IODATARx)

0 Output data is not valid.

512/1024-bit block process is completed. DATRDY is cleared when one of the following conditions is met:

• Bit START in SHA_CR is set.

• Bit SWRST in SHA_CR is set.

• The hash result is read.