32.7.16 ADPREV

ADC Previous Result Register
Note: When ADPSIS = 0, ADPREVH and ADPREVL use the same data format as ADRESH and ADRESL, as determined by the ADFM bit. Refer to ADRES for details.
Offset: 0xF61

Bit 15141312111098 
Reset 00000000 
Bit 76543210 
Reset 00000000 

Bits 15:8 – ADPREVH[7:0] Previous ADC Result Most Significant bits

0 to 0xFFADPSIS = 1Upper byte of ADFLTR at the start of current ADC conversion
0 to 0xFFADPSIS = 0Upper bits of ADRES at the start of current ADC conversion(1)

Bits 7:0 – ADPREVL[7:0] Previous ADC Result Least Significant bits

0 to 0xFFADPSIS = 1Lower byte of ADFLTR at the start of current ADC conversion
0 to 0xFFADPSIS = 0Lower bits of ADRES at the start of current ADC conversion(1)
When ADPSIS = 0, ADPREVH and ADPREVL use the same data format as ADRESH and ADRESL, as determined by the ADFM bit. Refer to ADRES for details.