13.3 Europe

The ATSAMR30M18A is a Radio Equipment Directive (RED) assessed radio module that is CE marked and has been manufactured and tested with the intention of being integrated into a final product.

The ATSAMR30M18A module has been tested to RED 2014/53/EU Essential Requirements mentioned in the following European Compliance table.

Table 13-1. European Compliance
Certification Standards Article
Safety EN 62368 3.1a
Health EN 62479
EMC EN 301 489-1 3.1b
EN 301 489-3
Radio EN 300 220 3.2

The ETSI provides guidance on modular devices in the Guide to the application of harmonised standards covering articles 3.1b and 3.2 of the RED 2014/53/EU (RED) to multi-radio and combined radio and non-radio equipment document available at http://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_eg/203300_203399/20 3367/01.01.01_60/eg_203367v010101p.pdf.

Note: To maintain conformance to the standards listed in the preceding European Compliance table, the module shall be installed in accordance with the installation instructions in this data sheet and shall not be modified. When integrating a radio module into a completed product, the integrator becomes the manufacturer of the final product and is therefore responsible for demonstrating compliance of the final product with the essential requirements against the RED.