30.5.5 Interrupt Control

Offset: 0x04
Reset: 0x00
Property: -

Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 000000 

Bit 5 – TRIGOVR Trigger Overrun Interrupt Enable

This bit controls whether the interrupt for a trigger overrun is enabled or not.

0 The Trigger Overrun interrupt is disabled
1 The Trigger Overrun interrupt is enabled

Bit 4 – SAMPOVR Sample Overwrite Interrupt Enable

This bit controls whether the interrupt for a sample overwrite is enabled or not.

0 The Sample Overwrite interrupt is disabled
1 The Sample Overwrite interrupt is enabled

Bit 3 – RESOVR Result Overwrite Interrupt Enable

This bit controls whether the interrupt for a result overwrite is enabled or not.

0 The Result Overwrite interrupt is disabled
1 The Result Overwrite interrupt is enabled

Bit 2 – WCMP Window Comparator Interrupt Enable

This bit controls whether the interrupt for the Window Comparator is enabled or not.

0 The Window Comparator interrupt is disabled
1 The Window Comparator interrupt is enabled

Bit 1 – SAMPRDY Sample Ready Interrupt Enable

This bit controls whether the Sample Ready interrupt is enabled or not.

0 The Sample Ready interrupt is disabled
1 The Sample Ready interrupt is enabled

Bit 0 – RESRDY Result Ready Interrupt Enable

This bit controls whether the Result Ready interrupt is enabled or not.

0 The Result Ready interrupt is disabled
1 The Result Ready interrupt is enabled