30.5.11 Command

Offset: 0x0A
Reset: 0x00
Property: -

Bit 76543210 
 DIFFMODE[2:0] START[2:0] 
Reset 0000000 

Bit 7 – DIFF Differential

This bit controls whether the ADC conversion is Single-Ended or Differential.
0x0 Unsigned Single-Ended conversion. Only the ADCn.MUXPOS register is used.
0x1 Signed Differential conversion. Both the ADCn.MUXPOS and ADCn.MUXNEG registers are used.

Bits 6:4 – MODE[2:0] Mode

This bit field controls the conversion mode for the ADC. Switching from one of the accumulation modes to a Single mode will reset the accumulator.
0x0 SINGLE_8BIT Single conversion with 8-bit resolution
0x1 SINGLE_12BIT Single conversion with 12-bit resolution
0x2 SERIES Series with accumulation, separate trigger for every 12-bit conversion
0x3 SERIES_SCALING Series with accumulation and scaling, separate trigger for every 12-bit conversion
0x4 BURST Burst with accumulation, one trigger will run SAMPNUM 12-bit conversions in one sequence
0x5 BURST_SCALING Burst with accumulation and scaling, one trigger will run SAMPNUM 12-bit conversions in one sequence
Other - Reserved

Bits 2:0 – START[2:0] Start Conversion

This bit field starts or stops an ADC conversion, or controls how an ADC conversion will start.
Note: If the ENABLE bit in ADCn.CTRLA is ‘0’ when writing the START bit field to IMMEDIATE, it will automatically be set to STOP.
0x0 STOP Stop an ongoing conversion
0x1 IMMEDIATE Start a conversion immediately. This will be set back to STOP when the conversion is done, unless Free-Running mode is enabled.
0x2 MUXPOS_WRITE Start when a write to the MUXPOS register is done
0x3 MUXNEG_WRITE Start when a write to the MUXNEG register is done
0x4 EVENT_TRIGGER Start when an event is received by the ADC
Other - Reserved