38.5 Peripheral Dependencies

Peripheral name Base address NVIC IRQ Index AHB/APB Clocks GCLK Peripheral

Channel Index


PAC Peripheral

Identifier Index


Events (EVSYS) DMA Trigger

Source Index


Users (USERm) Generators


AC 0x42004C00 27: COMP0-3 CLK_AC_APB

Disabled at reset

42 83 Not protected at reset 32-35: SOC0-3 72-75: COMP0-3 -
27: WIN0-1 76-77: WIN0-1

Each comparator has up to four I/O pins that can be used as analog inputs. Each pair of comparators shares the same four pins. These pins must be configured for analog operation before using them as comparator inputs.

Internal reference sources (DAC, INTREF supplied by the bandgap or VSCALE) must be configured and enabled prior to their use as a comparator input. Allow 10 µs for the bandgap to stabilize before enabling the AC interrupt or EVSYS event channel.