2.2 BER Test Modes

The ATA8352 device has a built-in BER Test mode to perform BER testing for the RX sensitivity measurement. The BER measurement can be set up using PN31 with random data payload according to ITU-T 0.150 (05/96). The following polynomial and start values are used:
  • for PN31: x31 + X26 + 1 with x0 = 1111111111111111111111111111111
The device supports the following TX and RX operation to perform the BER test:
  • Use the ATA8352 device as a BER transmitter and another as a BER receiver
  • Use a signal generator as a BER transmitter and the ATA8352 device as a BER receiver
The ATA8352 device, which operates as a BER receiver, activates the GPO[4:0] pins in GPO mode 31 to show the test results on these pins. Start the BER receiver before the BER transmitter or signal generator to detect the preamble and the synch word. For more details, refer to the ATA8352 Impulse-Radio Ultra-Wideband (IR-UWB) Transceiver User’s Guide (DS50003125)). After detecting the synch word, the receiver continuously compares the received data bits with an internally-generated PN31 bit sequence (start value: ‘111111’). The GPO1 pin shows the difference between the expected data bit and the received data bit.
The following is the GPO pins configuration in this BER Test mode:
  • GPO0: expected data bit
  • GPO1: PN31
  • GPO2: received data bit
  • GPO3: synch word is detected
  • GPO4: data bit valid pulse
The following figure shows the GPO output pattern during BER testing.
Figure 2-6. GPO Signals at BER Receiver