3 Required Source Code Modifications

You must modify the dpuser.h, dpDUTspi.c, dpcom.c, and dputil.c files when using the SPI-DirectC source code, which contains a short description of SPI-DirectC source code and their functions.

The following table lists the functions that must be modified.

Table 3-1. Modified Functions
FunctionSource FilePurpose
do_SPI_SCAN_indpspi.cHardware interface function used to scan data in using the SPI driver
do_SPI_SCAN_outdpspi.cHardware interface function used to scan data out using the SPI driver
dp_get_page_datadpcom.cProgramming file interface function
dp_display_textdpuser.cFunction to display text to an output device
dp_display_valuedpuser.cFunction to display value of a variable to an output device
dp_delaydputil.cDelay function