1.3 Motorola SPI Protocol

Motorola SPI Mode 3 is required to communicate with SmartFusion2, IGLOO2, PolarFire, and PolarFire SoC devices using a dedicated system controller SPI port. See Motorola SPI standard for more information.

The Motorola SPI is a full duplex, four-wire synchronous transfer protocol, which supports programmable clock polarity (SPO) and clock phase (SPH). The state of SPO and SPH control bits decides the data transfer modes as listed in the following table.

Table 1-3. Data Transfer Modes
Data Transfer ModeSPOSPH
Mode 000
Mode 101
Mode 210
Mode 311

The SPH control bit determines the clock edge that captures the data.

  • When SPH is low, data is captured on the first clock transition.
    • Data is captured on the falling edge of SPI_CLK when SPO = 1.
    • Data is captured on the rising edge of SPI_CLK when SPO = 0.
  • When SPH is high, data is captured on the second clock transition (rising edge if SPO = 1).
    • Data is captured on the rising edge of SPI_CLK when SPO = 1.
    • Data is captured on the falling edge of SPI_CLK when SPO = 0.

The SPO control bit determines the polarity of the clock and SPS defines the slave select behavior.

  • When SPO is low and no data is transferred, SPI_CLK is driven to low.
  • When SPO is high and no data is transferred, SPI_CLK is driven to high.
Table 1-4. Summary of the Clock Active Edges in Various SPI Master Modes
ModeSPSSPOSPHClock in IdleSample EdgeShift EdgeSelect in IdleSelect Between Frames
Motorola000LowRising FallingHighPulses between all frames
001LowFallingRisingHighDoes not pulse between back-to-back frames. Pulses if transmit FIFO empties.
011HighRisingFallingHighDoes not pulse between back-to-back frames. Pulses if transmit FIFO empties.
100LowRisingFallingHighStays active until all the frames set by frame counter are transmitted.

Single Frame Transfer - Mode 0: SPO = 0, SPH = 0

The following figure illustrates the single frame transfer using Mode 0 data transfer mode with programmable clock polarity 0 and clock phase 0.

Figure 1-3. Motorola SPI Mode 0

Multiple Frame Transfer - Mode 0: SPO = 0, SPH = 0

The following figure illustrates the multiple frame transfer using the Mode 0 data transfer mode with programmable clock polarity 0 and clock phase 0.

Figure 1-4. Motorola SPI Mode 0 Multiple Frame Transfer


  • Between frames, the slave selects (SPI_SS[x]) a signal that is asserted for the duration of the clock pulse.

  • Between frames, the clock (SPI_CLK) is low.

  • Data is transferred to Most Significant Bit (MSB) first.

  • The output enables (SPI_DOE_N) a signal that is asserted during the transmission and deasserted at the end of the transfer (after the last frame is sent).

Single Frame Transfer - Mode 1: SPO = 0, SPH = 1

The following figure illustrates the single frame transfer using the Mode 1 data transfer mode with programmable clock polarity 0 and clock phase 1.

Figure 1-5. Motorola SPI Mode 1

Single Frame Transfer - Mode 2: SPO = 1, SPH = 0

The following figure illustrates the single frame transfer using the Mode 2 data transfer mode with programmable clock polarity 1 and clock phase 0.

Figure 1-6. Motorola SPI Mode 2

Single Frame Transfer - Mode 3: SPO = 1, SPH = 1

The following figure illustrates the single frame transfer using the Mode 3 data transfer mode with programmable clock polarity 1 and clock phase 1.

Figure 1-7. Motorola SPI Mode 3