6.3.6 I

Ignoring changed section attributes for name

If section attributes are specified the second time the assembler sees a particular section, then they should be the same as the first time the assembler saw the section attributes. The assembler assumes that the first set of section attributes was correct.

Ignoring changed section entity size for name

The section entity size should be the same the second time the assembler sees a particular section. The assembler assumes that the section entity size the first time it saw the section was correct.

Ignoring changed section type for name

The section type should be the same the second time the assembler sees a particular section. The assembler assumes that the section type the first time it saw the section was correct.

Ignoring incorrect section type for name

When switching to a special predefined section by name, the section's type should match the predefined type. The assembler uses the predefined type for the section.

Immediate for %s not in range 0..1023 (%lu).

The debugger Break code was not in the valid range. Normal user code should not use this instruction reserved for debugger use.

Improper shift amount (%lu).

The shift value for a shift instruction (e.g. SLL, SRA, SRL) is out of range.

Instruction sne: Instruction %s: result is always false.

The result of the condition tested by the SNE instruction is always false (e.g., the s operand is the zero register and t is a nonzero constant expression).

Instruction seq: result is always true.

The result of the condition tested by the SEQ instruction is always false (e.g., the s operand is the zero register and t is the constant 0).

Invalid merge entity size.

The section merge entity size must be non-negative.

Invalid number.

The constant was in an unrecognized format. Check the constant's prefix and radix.