6.3.1 Symbol

.end directive missing or unknown symbol

The .end function debugging-info directive is missing or the associated symbol is not defined. Make sure that the .end directive is placed appropriately after the .ent directive.

.end directive without a preceding .ent directive

The .end function debugging-info directive does not have an associated .ent directive to mark the symbol as a function. Make sure that the .end directive is positioned appropriately after a .ent directive.

.end not in text section

The .end function debugging-info directive must be in a section with executable code.

.end symbol does not match .ent symbol

The .end function debugging-info directive's function argument does not match the preceding .ent directive's function argument. Make sure that the .end directive is positioned appropriately after its corresponding .ent directive.

.endr encountered without preceding .rept, .irc, or .irp

The .endr directive ends a .rept, .irc, or .irp sequence; however this .endr directive does not have a preceding .rept, .irc, or .irp directive. Make sure that the .endr directive is positioned correctly in your code.

.ent or .aent not in text section

The .ent function debugging-info directive must be in a section containing executable code.

.fail expr encountered

If the value of the your .fail expression is 500 or more, the assembler will print a warning message. The message will include the value of expression.

.fill size clamped to 8

The .fill size value may be zero or more, but if it is more than 8, then it is deemed to have the value 8.

.frame outside of .ent

The .frame directive describes the stack frame and therefore must be used within a function.

.incbin count zero, ignoring filename

The .incbin count should be greater than zero. reading zero bytes from a file has no effect.

.mask/.fmask outside of .ent

The .mask/.fmask stack-frame information should be defined within a .ent function. Make sure that the .mask/.fmask directive is positioned correctly within the source code.

.popsection without corresponding .pushsection; ignored

The assembler cannot pop a section off of the section stack without pushing one onto the stack first.

.previous without corresponding .section; ignored

There's no previous section swap with the current section. Make sure that the .previous directive is positioned correctly within the source code.

.space repeat count is negative, ignored

The .space size argument must be greater than 0.

.space repeat count is zero, ignored

The .space size argument must be greater than 0.