6.2.2 A

A bignum with underscores may not have more than 8 hex digits in any word.

A bignum constant must not have more than 8 hex digits in a single word.

A bignum with underscores must have exactly 4 words.

A bignum constant using the underscore notation must have exactly four 8-hexdigit parts.

Absolute sections are not supported.

This assembler does not support the absolute section command.

Alignment not a power of 2.

The alignment value must be a power of 2. Modify the alignment to be a power of 2.

Alignment too large: 15. Assumed.

An alignment greater than 15 was requested. The assembler automatically continues with a alignment value of 15.

Arg/static registers overlap.

A MIPS32 mode save/restore uses overlapping registers for args and statics.

Argument must be a string.

The argument to a .error or .warning directive must be a double-quoted string.

Attempt to allocate data in common section.

This directive attempts to allocate data to a section that isn't allocatable. Allocate the data to another section instead.

Attempt to get value of unresolved symbol name

The assembler could not get the value of an unresolved symbol.

Attempt to set value of section symbol.

Assignments to section symbols are not legal.